Do I Trust “Cost” or “Actual Time” More when Using Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE?
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Do I Trust “Cost” or “Actual Time” More when Using Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE?

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As a database administrator or developer, optimizing database performance is a crucial task. Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE is a powerful tool that helps you understand the performance of your queries. But, have you ever wondered which metric to trust more – “cost” or “actual time”? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE and explore the difference between these two metrics, helping you make informed decisions when optimizing your database performance.

What is Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s quickly revisit what Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE is. EXPLAIN ANALYZE is a command in PostgreSQL that provides detailed information about the execution plan of a query. It’s a powerful tool that helps you understand how the database engine plans to execute a query, including the estimated cost, actual time taken, and other vital statistics.


This command will generate a detailed report that includes the execution plan, including the cost, actual time, and other metrics. But, what do these metrics really mean?

The Cost Metric: An Estimated Expense

The “cost” metric in Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE is an estimate of the resources required to execute a query. It’s a theoretical value that represents the number of disk pages read, the number of rows processed, and other factors that affect query performance. The cost is calculated based on the query planner’s estimate of the most efficient execution plan.

Think of the cost metric like a budget for your query. It’s an estimate of how much “work” the database needs to do to execute the query. The cost is usually measured in arbitrary units, and it’s not directly related to the actual time taken to execute the query.


                                      QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using mytable_pkey on mytable  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=102)
   Index Cond: (id = 1)
 Planning Time: 0.085 ms
 Execution Time: 0.152 ms
(4 rows)

In this example, the cost of the query is estimated to be between 0.29 and 8.31 units. This means that the database planner expects the query to require a certain amount of resources to execute.

The Actual Time Metric: A Real-World Measurement

The “actual time” metric, on the other hand, is a measurement of the actual time taken to execute a query. This is a real-world measurement that takes into account various factors, such as disk I/O, CPU usage, and other system resources.

Think of the actual time metric like a stopwatch. It measures the real-time taken to execute the query, including all the overhead, such as disk I/O, locking, and other system factors.


                                      QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using mytable_pkey on mytable  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=102)
   Index Cond: (id = 1)
 Planning Time: 0.085 ms
 Execution Time: 0.152 ms
(4 rows)

In this example, the actual time taken to execute the query is 0.152 ms. This is a real-world measurement that reflects the actual time taken to execute the query.

When to Trust Cost and When to Trust Actual Time

So, when should you trust the cost metric, and when should you trust the actual time metric? Here are some guidelines to help you make informed decisions:

Trust Cost when:

  • You’re comparing different query plans: The cost metric is useful when comparing different query plans for the same query. It helps you identify the most efficient plan.
  • You’re optimizing for resource usage: If you’re concerned about the resources required to execute a query, the cost metric is a good indicator of the estimated resource usage.
  • You’re dealing with complex queries: For complex queries with multiple joins, subqueries, or other complex operations, the cost metric can help you identify the most resource-intensive parts of the query.

Trust Actual Time when:

  • You’re measuring real-world performance: The actual time metric is a better indicator of real-world performance, including all the overhead and system factors.
  • You’re optimizing for response time: If you’re concerned about the response time of your query, the actual time metric is a more accurate measurement.
  • You’re dealing with intermittent performance issues: If you’re experiencing intermittent performance issues, the actual time metric can help you identify the root cause of the issue.

Best Practices for Using Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Here are some best practices for using Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE to optimize your database performance:

  1. Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE regularly: Regularly using EXPLAIN ANALYZE can help you identify performance issues early on and optimize your queries accordingly.
  2. Compare different query plans: Use the cost metric to compare different query plans and identify the most efficient one.
  3. Measure actual time: Use the actual time metric to measure real-world performance and optimize for response time.
  4. Analyze execution statistics: Pay attention to other execution statistics, such as disk I/O, CPU usage, and locking statistics, to identify bottlenecks.
  5. Test with realistic data: Test your queries with realistic data to ensure that the execution plan and metrics reflect real-world performance.
  6. Use indexing and caching: Use indexing and caching to optimize query performance and reduce resource usage.


In conclusion, both the cost and actual time metrics in Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE are important tools for optimizing database performance. The cost metric provides an estimate of the resources required to execute a query, while the actual time metric measures the real-world performance. By understanding when to trust each metric, you can make informed decisions about optimizing your database performance.

Remember, Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE is a powerful tool that can help you identify performance issues and optimize your queries. By following best practices and using the cost and actual time metrics wisely, you can ensure that your database is running at peak performance.

Metric Description When to Use
Cost An estimate of the resources required to execute a query Comparing different query plans, optimizing for resource usage, complex queries
Actual Time A measurement of the actual time taken to execute a query Measuring real-world performance, optimizing for response time, intermittent performance issues

By using Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE wisely, you can unlock the full potential of your database and ensure that your queries are running at peak performance.

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to optimizing database performance, insights from Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE are invaluable. But, have you ever wondered which metric to trust more – “cost” or “actual time”? Let’s dive into the answers!

What is the difference between “cost” and “actual time” in Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE?

“Cost” is an estimate of the time that the query planner thinks the operation will take, whereas “actual time” is the real time it took to execute the query. Think of “cost” as an educated guess, while “actual time” is the harsh reality.

Why should I trust “actual time” more than “cost”?

“Actual time” is a more reliable metric because it takes into account factors like disk I/O, CPU usage, and other system resource utilization. “Cost”, on the other hand, is based on the planner’s assumptions, which might not always reflect the actual execution time.

When should I rely on “cost” instead of “actual time”?

If you’re comparing the performance of different query plans or indexing strategies, “cost” can be a better indicator of relative performance differences. “Actual time” can be influenced by temporary system loads or other external factors, making “cost” a more stable metric for comparative analysis.

Can I trust the “cost” estimate for a single query execution?

Not really. The “cost” estimate is based on the planner’s assumptions and may not reflect the actual execution time for a single query run. However, if you run the query multiple times, the average “cost” can give you a rough idea of the query’s performance characteristics.

What’s the best approach to using “cost” and “actual time” together?

Use “cost” to identify performance bottlenecks and understand the query planner’s decisions, but always verify with “actual time” to get a realistic picture of your query’s performance. By combining both metrics, you’ll get a more comprehensive understanding of your database’s behavior.

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