What is causing LuaLS to give this bogus cast-local-type warning?
Image by Brenie - hkhazo.biz.id

What is causing LuaLS to give this bogus cast-local-type warning?

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated with LuaLS, a popular linter for Lua, throwing bogus cast-local-type warnings left and right. You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of LuaLS, explore the possible causes of this warning, and provide you with actionable steps to fix it.

What is LuaLS?

Before we start troubleshooting, let’s quickly cover what LuaLS is and why it’s essential for Lua developers. LuaLS, short for Lua Linter, is a static code analysis tool that helps you identify and fix errors, warnings, and coding standard issues in your Lua code. It’s an essential tool for any serious Lua developer, as it ensures your code is maintainable, efficient, and follows best practices.

The Cast-Local-Type Warning: What’s Going On?

Now, let’s talk about the cast-local-type warning. This warning occurs when LuaLS detects that you’re trying to assign a value of one type to a local variable with a different type. Sounds simple, right? But, as we’ll see, it’s not always that straightforward.

Possible Causes of the Cast-Local-Type Warning

So, what’s causing LuaLS to throw this warning? Here are some common culprits:

  • Inconsistent Type Definitions: LuaLS is smart, but it’s not omniscient. If you have inconsistent type definitions across your codebase, LuaLS might get confused and throw a cast-local-type warning. Make sure you’re using consistent type definitions throughout your code.
  • Implicit Type Conversions: LuaLS can get trigger-happy when it detects implicit type conversions. For example, assigning a string to a local variable declared as a number. Be explicit with your type conversions to avoid these warnings.
  • Unused or Uninitialized Variables: LuaLS will complain if it detects unused or uninitialized variables. Make sure you’re using all your variables and initializing them properly.
  • .luac Files and Partially Compiled Code: If you have partially compiled code (.luac files) in your project, LuaLS might get confused. Try recompiling your code or removing the .luac files to see if that resolves the issue.
  • LuaLS Configuration Issues: Sometimes, the problem lies not with your code, but with your LuaLS configuration. Double-check your configuration files to ensure you’re not accidentally enabling unnecessary warnings.

Troubleshooting and Fixing the Cast-Local-Type Warning

Now that we’ve covered the possible causes, let’s dive into some actionable steps to fix the cast-local-type warning:

Step 1: Review Your Code

local myVariable = "hello"
-- ...
myVariable = 123

In the above example, we’re assigning a string to myVariable and then reassigning it to a number. This is a classic case of implicit type conversion, which LuaLS will flag as a cast-local-type warning. Fix this by being explicit with your type conversions:

local myVariable: string = "hello"
-- ...
myVariable: number = tonumber(myVariable)

Step 2: Check for Unused or Uninitialized Variables

local myUnusedVariable

If you have unused or uninitialized variables, LuaLS will throw a warning. Fix this by either removing the variable or initializing it properly:

local myUnusedVariable = nil -- or some default value

Step 3: Verify Your LuaLS Configuration

If you’re using a LuaLS configuration file (e.g., luacheckrc), double-check that you’re not enabling unnecessary warnings. You can do this by running LuaLS with the –verbose flag:

luacheck --verbose yourfile.lua

This will give you a detailed output of the warnings and errors LuaLS is detecting.

Step 4: Recompile Your Code and Remove .luac Files

If you’re working with partially compiled code (.luac files), try recompiling your code and removing the .luac files. This can sometimes resolve issues with LuaLS:

luac -o yourfile.luac yourfile.lua
rm yourfile.luac

Common Pitfalls and Workarounds

While troubleshooting the cast-local-type warning, you might encounter some common pitfalls. Here are some workarounds to keep in mind:

Pitfall Workaround
Wildcard imports (e.g., local *) Use explicit imports instead of wildcards. LuaLS can get confused with wildcard imports.
Complex table structures Use explicit type definitions for complex table structures to help LuaLS understand the data types.
Third-party library issues Check the library’s documentation or issues page for known LuaLS warnings. You might need to update the library or use a workaround.


The cast-local-type warning in LuaLS can be frustrating, but by following these steps and understanding the possible causes, you’ll be well on your way to fixing the issue. Remember to review your code, check for unused or uninitialized variables, verify your LuaLS configuration, and recompile your code if necessary. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be a LuaLS master in no time!

Still struggling with the cast-local-type warning? Leave a comment below with your specific issue, and we’ll do our best to help you troubleshoot it.

Further Reading

For more information on LuaLS and Lua development, check out the following resources:

Happy coding, and don’t let LuaLS get the best of you!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of LuaLS throwing bogus cast-local-type warnings? Here are some answers to help you troubleshoot the issue!

What is causing LuaLS to give this bogus cast-local-type warning?

This error often occurs when LuaLS is unable to infer the type of a variable. It can happen when you’re using an external library or module that isn’t properly annotated with type information. In such cases, LuaLS may make incorrect assumptions about the variable type, leading to the warning.

Is it possible that my code is causing the issue?

Yes, it’s possible! If your code contains type errors or inconsistencies, LuaLS may struggle to infer the correct types, resulting in the bogus warning. Double-check your code for any potential type-related issues, and make sure you’re using the correct types and annotations.

How can I provide LuaLS with more type information to avoid this warning?

You can use type annotations and comments to provide LuaLS with more context about your code. For example, you can add type hints for function parameters, variables, and return types. Additionally, you can use the `—@type` directive to specify the type of a variable.

Can I disable the cast-local-type warning in LuaLS?

Yes, you can disable the warning by adding the `–nodiscard` directive before the line that’s causing the issue. However, be cautious when disabling warnings, as it may hide potential errors in your code. It’s recommended to fix the underlying issue instead of suppressing the warning.

What if I’ve tried everything and the warning persists?

If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options and the warning still persists, it’s possible that there’s a bug in LuaLS or an external library. You can try updating LuaLS to the latest version or filing a bug report with the LuaLS developers.

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